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Hip involvement in familial Mediterranean fever

François Rodrigues et al 

First author : François Rodrigues et al

Journal: European Journal of Internal Medicine, 10.1016/j.ejim.2022.11.008

Atteinte de la hanche dans la Fièvre Méditerranéenne Familiale (FMF)


Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is a monogenic autoinflammatory disorder that is linked to homozygous mutations of the MEFV gene. The field of FMF is expanding as many patients with FMF phenotype are heterozygous with monoallelic variants. Arthritis is a frequent manifestation of FMF, involving 50 to 75% of patients.

The hip is the third most commonly affected joint after the knee andankle. Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head caused by disruption of local blood supply has also been reported in FMF patients. Meanwhile, hip inflammation or coxitis can be caused by axial spondyloarthritis, which develops at an increased rate in FMF patients. Therefore, the literature is controversial as to whether coxitis in FMF is a distinct entity or a manifestation of an associated axial spondyloarthritis. Our objectives were to describe the clinical, functional and radiological features of hip involvement in FMF.



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