Our associated laboratories
The CEREMAIA (The reference center for autoinflammatory diseases and inflammatory amyloidosis) at Tenon Hospital in Paris devotes a third of its activity to research into autoinflammatory diseases and inflammatory amyloidosis. Close links are forged with several French research laboratories specializing in certain aspects of inflammation. Translational research work enables us to study the blood of patients with autoinflammatory diseases in order to better understand the mechanism of these diseases and optimize their treatment.
Microbiota, intestine and inflammation
INSERM U938 research laboratory
Prof. Georgin-Lavialle is affiliated with the INSERM U938 research laboratory working on the links between inflammation, gut microbiota and digestive diseases, headed by Profs. Sokol and Seksik . https://www.crsa.fr/equipe-philippe-seksik.html. She is working on the links between gut microbiota and monogenic autoinflammatory diseases, in particular familial Mediterranean fever, A20 haploinsufficiency and mevalonate kinase deficiency. A young internist in our department, Dr. Inès Elhani, is working full-time on her PhD thesis on this subject. After patients have given their consent, their stools are collected and the composition of their intestinal microbiota is determined.
Faculté de médecine Pierre et Marie Curie – Site Saint-Antoine – 6ème étage - 27, rue Chaligny – 75571 PARIS cedex 12

Laboratory of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pharmacology and Toxicology (LCBPT)
A strong collaboration has been established with Dr Mathieu Rodero's laboratory in CNRS Unit 8601 (https://lcbpt.biomedicale.parisdescartes.fr/) on diseases linked to NLRP3 mutations (cryopyrinopathies or CAPS), diseases linked to JAK1 mutations and SITRAME syndrome. A PhD student and two Master 2 students are working on these topics.
Université Paris Descartes
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

The Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Hematological Disorders and Therapeutic Implications
To study certain hyperinflammatory states satellite to haemopathies, we collaborate with Prof. Olivier Hermine's laboratory at the Imagine Institute in Paris (https://www.institutimagine.org/fr/olivier-hermine-181). An internist, Dr. Nabiha Sbeih, is writing her doctoral thesis on AA amyloidosis, co-directed by our center and researcher Thiago Trovati Maciel.
situé à l’institut Imagine,
24 Boulevard du Montparnasse
75015 Paris

Autres laboratoires associés
To study the pyrin inflammasome (mutated in familial Mediterranean fever) and the NLRP3 inflammasome (mutated in cryopyrinopathies) more closely, we have collaborated for functional studies with expert scientists at the International Centre for Infectious Diseases Research (CIRI) in Lyon, respectively Thomas Henry and Bénédicte Py (CIRI Home 2023 - International Centre for Infectious Diseases Research (ens-lyon.fr)).
For a more detailed study of the mechanisms of deafness in autoinflammatory diseases, in particular cropyrinopathies, we are collaborating with the Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation en Audiologie Humaine (CeRIAH) headed by Dr Paul Avan (https://www.institut-audition.fr/propos-institut-audition) and, at a fundamental level, with one of the center's research teams headed by Nicolas Michalski (https://research.pasteur.fr/fr/team/plasticity-of-central-auditory-circuits/).
To study actinopathies, we collaborate with Jérôme Delon, a researcher at the Institut Cochin. Our head of clinic, Dr Philippe Mertz, is writing his doctoral thesis on the pathophysiology of these rare autoinflammatory diseases. https://institutcochin.fr/equipes/signalisation-cellules-immunes-infection-retrovirale.
Finally, genetic studies on certain families and on inflammatory amyloidoses are carried out in collaboration with Dr Guilaine Boursier and her genetics team at the Montpellier autoinflammatory diseases unit. https://umai-montpellier.fr/presentation.php